
Comprehensive Reporting for Easy Device Management

Power your device management with analytics and reporting. Generate extensive reports on device performance and usage with Scalefusion.

Quick Report Generation and Download

Managing a large device inventory without seeking the aid of trends and analytics is old-school. It adds a burden on your IT teams to monitor and map individual device performance, creates room for error and can negatively impact your business operations and employee productivity. Navigate a large device inventory with the help of reports available at a click. Pull reports for device details, outline device performance and usage and predict device downtimes before they happen.
  • Request reports for a specific date range
  • Select the details that you need
  • Make use of search tabs for quick report generation
  • View the report on the dashboard
  • Download as CSV for future reference

Get Hold of Your Audit Logs

Device inventory management is not a one-person job. With several admins and co-admins managing the enterprise mobility on the Scalefusion dashboard, overlaps are common. Be on the top of device management activities performed on the Scalefusion dashboard. Generate exhaustive reports for account activity (audit logs), sort reports for each activity and user and get the exact date and time at which the activity was performed.

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Automate Reports With Scalefusion Workflows

Streamline report tracking and analytics and speed up your IT operations. Ramp up IT productivity by replacing manual report generation with automated reports using Scalefusion Workflows. Schedule report type & time and obtain regular reports delivered straight to your inbox.

A Broad Range of Reports, Available at a Blink

  • Data usage

    Track Wi-Fi and mobile data usage. Keep a check on app-wise data usage.
  • Location

    Obtain device location coordinates, last seen date and time and location address.
  • App Version

    Show the version and last update date of all apps available on the device.
  • Remote Cast

    Track past remote cast sessions, date and time of the last session and session duration.
  • Device Vitals

    Monitor all the device vitals from usage to encryption, inactivity to management mode.
  • Device Availability/Inactivity

    Check device activity status, log time and duration of activity/inactivity.
  • Battery history

    Get insights into how battery is being consumed and charge/discharge cycles over a period of time.
  • Geofence logs

    View and download geofence logs for all your devices and groups or filter them as per move in or move out status.
  • Connectivity history

    Get the mobile network and wifi connection history for your managed devices.
  • Screen Time

    Get insights on how long was an application used in a particuar time frame.
  • Device Power On/Off

    Download and schedule device power on/off reports for your managed devices and groups.
  • SIM Swaps

    Keep a check on the SIM swaps, date, time and location of the incidents.
  • Unlock Attempts

    Track the failed unlock attempts, date and time of incident and location of the incidences.

  • USB peripheral

    See all or particular USB peripherals that were connected to the devices in a time frame.
  • Account Activity

    Explore all the activities performed by the user on the Scalefusion dashboard.
  • Workflows

    Generate reports for all the workflows that have been created and check their status.
  • Device Inventory

    Obtain the device management status of all the devices in your inventory.
  • File Dock

    View the number of files downloaded, published, and file space usage
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